Monday, October 24, 2011

Take Away 23 - Be Flexible

My weekend did not turn out anything like I might have imagined it would. There are still piles of laundry to fold and I just finished washing dishes from a bit of baking I did on Saturday. So, here's what happened.  The sun shined! We got up yesterday and took a drive into town at sunrise to take some photos and meet a couple of friends for an awesome pancake feed and then decided it was far too nice of a day to pass up a motorcycle ride. Knowing I still had dishes in the sink from the day before and laundry piled up, I went anyway. It was probably the last good riding day for me. I don't do cold rides and it was a little chilly where we rode. 

TAKE AWAY: Be flexible with your plans. 
The dishes will always wait for you.

1 comment:

  1. How do you always know what I need reminded of? Amazing. Thank you.
